Our pigs range from 30-75 lbs.
Fancy, Stylist and Fast Growing
Call with your show dates and
Steve will match the pigs for show dates.(Left, Tim shows his Champion Pig,
Supreme Champion Over All Breeds,
2001 Maryland State Fair) |
Ivy Hill Farm breed is primarily Yorkshire
(some with registration papers at additional cost) and some crossbred hybrid.
All animals are bred artificially to the top boars in the United States |
Congratulations to Justin Martin!
Justin had the Reserve Champion at the Spring 2012 Swine Show, Hagerstown, MD and

Champion Market Hog Pair

Thank You to the Wilson Ruritan Club for purchasing Justin’s Reserve Champion and
Supporting the Washington County 4-H and FFA Swine Show
For the third fourth year we entered and won the Grand Champion Fresh Fruits at the 2012 & 2013 Washington County Ag Expo. These peaches were beauties!